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TitleBirthday Offer 生日優惠免費入場

★Trick Eye Jetso★

新一年Trick Eye繼續提供港人生日優惠! 生日正日當天只需出示香港居民身份證即可免費入場,優惠期直至另行通知為止。
Local Hong Kong residents can enjoy free admission to Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong on their birthday by presenting valid Hong Kong Identity Card. Offer valid until further notice.


* 如有任何爭議,特麗愛美術館環球有限公司保留最終決定權。

* In case of any disputes, the decision of Trickeye Museum Global Co. Ltd. shall be final.

PreviousHappy 1st Birthday!!生日送大禮! [TRICKEYE W1N W1N]
Next2月份所有猴年出生的客人均可免費入場! During the whole Feb, all guests born in the Year of the Monkey can enjoy free admission!