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Title★2週年有獎攝影比賽 2nd Anniversary Photo Contest [Happy 2 Share]★

1月1日除了是新一年開始,亦是Trick Eye生日的大日子! 為慶祝兩週年,Trick Eye會舉行一個有獎攝影比賽,送出多份豐富獎品!好東西當然要分享,即刻同朋友上來Trick Eye影相參加比賽,齊齊happy 2 share啦!

1st Jan is not only the start of a new year, and also Trick Eye’s birthday! To celebrate 2nd anniversary of Trick Eye, we will be holding a photo contest and give out valuable prizes! Good things are worthy to share, come with your friends to take photos for the contest! Happy 2 Share!

比賽日期: 2017年1月1日-31日 (23:59)
Contest Period: 1st – 31st Jan 2017 (23:59)

1. 上載一張在香港特麗愛3D美術館拍的照片到個人Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/微博 (需將你的分享設定為公開)
2. 配上合適又具創意的照片描述,標註Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong和加上以下兩個hashtags: #trickeyehk #TEMhappy2share
3. 上載完照片後必須把帖文截圖發Facebook Inbox訊息至Trick Eye專頁告知我們
4. 四名最具創意作品會勝出並得按名次得到獎品,結果將於2017年2月6日於香港特麗愛Facebook專頁上公布。

頭獎 (1名): 澳門來回船票兩張連澳門JW萬豪酒店套房一晚
二獎 (2名): 韓國品牌”Honest Coco”護膚品一套
三獎 (1名): 海洋公園門票兩張

How to participate:
1. Upload a photo taken in Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong to personal Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Weibo (privacy must set as public)
2. Create a suitable and creative caption, tag Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong with 2 hashtags: #trickeyehk #TEMhappy2share
3. Inform us by sending an inbox Facebook message to Trick Eye Page with the screencap of the published post
4. Four most creative photos will win and prizes will be given out accordingly.Results will be announced on Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong Facebook Page on 6 Feb 2017.

1st Prize (1 Winner): Two Macau Round-trip Ferry Tickets & One-night JW Marriot Macau Suite Room
2nd Prize (2 Winners): A set of Korean brand “Honest Coco” Cosmetics
3rd Prize (1 Winner): Two Ocean Park Tickets



1. 每位參賽者可以提交多張相片參賽,唯每位參賽者最多只可獲獎一次。

2. 參賽作品須為原創作品,如發現有抄襲成分或違反版權條例,將被取消參賽資格。
3. 所有參賽作品會經特麗愛3D美術館審核,不合規格、內容不符者將當作取消資格論,恕不另行通知。
4. 參加者一經提交參加作品均不得作出任何更改。
5. 參賽作品如牴觸任何法律或規例,參賽者需自行承擔所有責任,主辦單位概不負責,並保留向違規者追討蒙受損失的權利。
6. 得獎者必須提交真實個人資料,否則將被取消得獎資格。
7. 參賽者須同意香港特麗愛3D美術館保留將所有參賽作品應用於任何宣傳、展覽及印刷用途的權利,包括平面或電子推廣,毋須事先徵得參賽者同意及支付任何版權費用。
8. 比賽結果由香港特麗愛美術館所挑選,截止時間為香港時間晚上11時59分正(以遞交圖片作品時間作準),時間以香港特麗愛3D美術館的電腦記錄作準,參加者不得異議。
9. 如發現參加者以外掛程式、蓄意以不正當的手法、空號、假帳戶或買票做假參與本活動,香港特麗愛3D美術館有權取消其參加及得獎資格,而不作任何 通知。
10. 得獎者於得獎名單公佈後,會收到訊息通知領獎詳情。如獲通知得獎一星期內,未獲得獎者回覆,本公司有權取消其得獎資格。
11. 領獎時將安排得獎者拍照,有關照片將用作日後宣傳推廣用途。
12. 所有獎品不可轉售及退換,不可兌換現金或其他產品。獎品的價值或供應情況或有變,特麗愛美術館環球有限公司將有權更改獎品而不作另行通知。
13. 有關獎品之使用或須受個別贊助商所訂定之所有條款及條件規限,特麗愛美術館環球有限公司無須就獎品的任何問題負上任何責任。詳情請向有關贊助商查詢。
14. 香港特麗愛3D美術館保留一切更改是次活動規則、條款及細則的權利。如有任何爭議,香港特麗愛3D美術館保留最終決定權。*Terms and Conditions:1. All Participants are allowed to upload multiple photos for the Contest but among those photos only ONE photo can win.
2. Participants must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of all image uploaded, otherwise you will be disqualified.
3. All photos will be assessed by Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong. Participants will be disqualified without prior notice for the Contest if any irrelevant or inappropriate photos are found.
4. Participants are not able to make any amendments once the photos have been uploaded for the Contest.
5. Participants will have full responsibility for posting photos on the Internet. If an Entry submitted by you infringes or violates any third party’s rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, and/or any legislation, law or regulation, Trickeye Museum Hong Kong shall not be responsible for any consequences, and we retain the right to recover damages or other compensation from participants’ who have violated the rules.
6. All information provided by the Participants and the Winners in the Contest must be true and accurate. If a Participant or Winner does not truthfully provide all requested information, such Participant or Winner shall not be eligible to take part in any way in the Contest or win any Gift or Prize.
7. By submitting an Entry in the Contest, all participants have given an irrevocable perpetual license to Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong to use the submitted Entry for any purposes, including but not limited to publish, print, exhibit, display, promote, issue or any other purposes as Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong considers appropriate, without prior notice or consent nor indemnity to you.
8. The result is based on the assessment by Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong. Submission deadline is at Hong Kong time 23:59. All Entry submission is based on the time of receipt at the Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong’s server. Participants cannot object to or seek remedy against Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong.
9. Trickeye Museum Hong Kong reserves the right at any time, without prior notice to disqualify the participants in the Contest if any illegal or dishonest manner is found.
10. All winners will receive a winner notifications message for prize redemption arrangement. In the event that the winner fails to redeem the prize or Trick Eye is unable to contact the winner within 1 week after the prize redemption message has been sent, the winner shall be deemed to waive the rights to receive the prizes.
11. Photos will be taken when the winners receiving the Prize and the photos will be used for promotional use in the future.
12. Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or other items and may be subject to availability. Value of the prizes may vary; Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong reserves the right to replace any prizes with items of similar value without prior notice.
13.The use of some prizes is subject to the terms and conditions imposed thereon by the relevant sponsor companies, Trickeye Global Co. Ltd shall not be liable in any way whatsoever in relation to any matters arising from including but not limited to the quality of the products. For more details, please ask the relevant sponsor companies.
14. Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong reserves the right of final decision on all matters related to this Contest including changing of the Rules, the result of the contest, Terms & Conditions and such decision is conclusive.

Previous★回憶‧即影‧即有 Print your Memory★
Next★情人節特二人同行$214 / Valentine’s Day package of $214 for two adult tickets★